The Canaan Public Library exists to provide community residents of all ages with access to materials and services for their informational and educational needs, as well as for their enjoyment and self-improvement.

Behavior Policy & Rules of Conduct

The Library does not allow any behavior that is 
Disruptive to Library Use.
This includes but is not limited to:

•Using or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol
•Carrying weapons of any type
•Engaging in disorderly conduct or using obscene or offensive words

•Loud or disturbing noises by persons or electronic devices 
•Bringing in excessive number or size of bags
•Unattended children under the age of 8

•Not wearing shoes or shirt 
•Soliciting or selling
•Loitering or sleeping
Failure to comply may result in exclusion from the Library for the day or permanently.

Communication of threats, physical violence, or sexual offenses will result in permanent exclusion.

Collection Development Policy

Responsibility for Selection
The responsibility for selection of library materials rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of policies endorsed by the Library Board of Trustees.

Criteria for Selection
The main points considered in the selection of materials are:
•Individual merit of each item •Popular appeal or demand •Suitability of material •Existing library holdings •Budget

Consideration is given to requests from staff and library members or patrons.
Interlibrary Loan
Because of limited budget and space, the Library cannot provide all requested materials. We borrow from other libraries to satisfy the needs of our members. We lend our materials to other libraries through the same interlibrary loan network.
Gifts and Donations
The Library accepts gifts of books and materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If not needed, the Director can set them aside for a future book sale or dispose of them as s/he sees fit. Memorial gifts of books or money are also accepted, and may be general or specific.
It is not within Library policy to assess the financial value of donated materials, but a written acknowledgment of gift materials will be given to the donor upon request.
Collection Maintenance
The Library maintains a timely, attractive, and useful collection through a continued withdrawal and replacement process. Replacement of worn volumes depends upon current demand, usefulness, and budget considerations. This ongoing process of weeding is authorized by the Board of Trustees and is the responsibility of the Library Director. Withdrawn materials will be handled in a similar manner as donated items.
Potential Problems or Challenges
The Library supports the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement.
The Library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some members. All members are free to reject for themselves any materials which do not meet their approval. Members and patrons do not have the right to restrict the freedom of others to read and inquire.

Responsibility for the reading or viewing of children rests with their parents or legal guardians.

Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents and no library materials will be sequestered except to protect from damage or theft.

Computer Use Policy & Internet Safety

Use of a Canaan Public Library (CPL) computer is a privilege, not a right. Users who violate this policy may have their computer privileges revoked. 
Computer users must be CPL Members. A Computer Guest Membership is available.
Internet Safety 
All users age 18 and over must sign a copy of the Computer Use Policy. 
No one under 18 may be at a computer station without the signature of a parent or guardian. Computer users must have no expectation of privacy and shall not engage in conduct or view material which disrupts the use or enjoyment of the Library by others. Users are expected to avoid displaying on the screen material that may create a hostile or harassing environment to other patrons or staff.
User Responsibilities
The Library computers may be used only for purposes which are legal. Members may use a computer for up to 90 minutes a day. If there is a waiting list, the current user will be limited to 30 minutes. Priority will be given to educational or government uses. Time limits may be waived for these uses.
Food and drink are not allowed at the computers.
Due to space and noise concerns, no more than two persons at a time may be at any computer. Verbal online “chatting” is not allowed.
Limitation of Liability  
CPL assumes no liability for any loss or damage to users' data or devices, nor for any personal damage or injury incurred as a result of using its computers, including damage or injury sustained from invasions of the user's privacy.

Kindle Policy 

•The Kindle must not be put in the Book Drop. Return it to the Circulation Desk.
•Borrower must be an adult member in good standing.
•Teen members may use the Kindle in the library for up to a one-hour period, but may not take it outside or sign it out.
•You are responsible for any damage done to the Kindle or for its loss or theft while it is signed out to you.
• After one week overdue, the Kindle will be considered lost and billed at the replacement cost.
•Kindle replacement cost: $89.